Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tues,August 21, 2012

Another great day at work!  I am so glad that I went back to work!  So I heard that I have been pretty depressin lately.  Geez I am so surprised!  Me? Negative? The hell you say!!

I wanted to make sure that I remind everyone thatwhen you read my blog and see some typos, that I do know that I have some but sometimes it's very hard to get back to them to fix them on this tablet.  So please bare with me.  Believe me, it kills me to know they are there!!

I can't believe summer is almost over!  Man that flew by!  I never even made it to the beach even once!  Ok, I couldn't even type that with a straight face!!  Ha ha ha me at the beach!  Well guess what people?!  This time next year I will be so skinny, that my SKINNY ass will have been at the beach numerous times!  That's right, I said it, SKINNY ass!!  Now normally, I would have been saying blah blah blah FAT ass, but not anymore!

Now I also need to remind everyone that just because I will be skinny soon, doesn't mean that I will not be able to say fat jokes.  I have been heavy for most of my life, so I am grandfathered in on the fat jokes!  :)

I am hoping to make it up to the ball fields this weekend.  The KDR Challenge is going on up there this weekend.  My friend/coworker Jenn Ware is one of the creators of the challenge.  It's very inspiring when people do things like that.  Good luck to all of the teams that have signed up for it!  What a great cause and a great way to raise money for it.

We were able to give away two of our kittens.  One more to go!  Then we also have a one year old female gray tabby.  Slow but sure we are finding them homes.  So if you are looking for a lovable, friend to add to your family, let me know!

Time to go back to sleep.  Thanks for reading.  Take care and have a great day!

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