Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day # 10 Post-Op

I woke up today feeling pretty good.  I got lots of sleep yesterday, which helped.  According to Lisa I am supposed to sleep the same amount of time that I am awake so I can heal. Normally that wouldn't be a problem but for some reason I haven't been able to sleep as much as usual.   I am not sure if thats a good or bad thing.  Anyhow, I am up now.  My poor Tay called me this morning because she is so sick.  She worked lots of overtime last paycheck and it caught up to her.  Poor baby!  I told her to drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest.  Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow.

I am so bummed today!  I wrote a great addition to my blog last night and then the stupid internet went down and I lost it.   Thise of you who are reading it should feel robbed.  It was some of my best work!!  :)

Oh yeah!  I forgot the best news from yesterday!  When we were at the clinic (was that yesterday? I don't remember now) whatever day we were at the clinic,  I weighed myself!  Now normally I would NEVER share how much I weigh,  do I add the T on weigh when saying weigh  NOT weight?  See how my mind wanders??

Anyhow....When I left the hospital I weighed 312 pounds, thanks to all of the IV fluids and gas from the surgery.  But, when I hopped on the scale at the clinic (and yes I really did HOP on it!) I weighed............(does anyone else hear a drum roll?).......288!!!

Holy Hanna that means I have lost 24 pounds since Aug 3!!  I am going to be so hot in no time!!  LOL


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