Friday, August 17, 2012


Have you ever been depressed?   If you answered "No",  I think your lying to yourself.  Everyone gets depressed now and then.  There are many different levels of depression.  Most people just get sad or weepy for a day or two and then it goes away For some people, like me, it never goes away.  It stays in the background, waiting for that day that you forgot to take meds.  Waiting, so it can creep up when your not expecting it, and bring with it all of your doubts, your sadness, your anger, your pain, your self loathing.  There's no rhyme or reason to it.  It doesn't care if you were happy, excited, feeling good about youself.  It creeps up and covers you in all its negativity.  That is how it feels when you forget to take your meds, or when a bunch of negative things have happened that you haven't dealt with.

Next time someone you know says they are depressed, please don't assume that they can just turn it off.  That thinking good thoughts, remembering what  good life they have or that you don't think/feel that they have any reason to be depressed.  It isn't something you can justshake off.

I cover mine up with humor, I joke around, poke fun at myself and others but it is always in the background waiting to creep up and surround me. Waiting to drag me down and keep me there.

I didn't type all of this to make you feel bad, feel sorry for me or to bring you down.  I wanted to explain it so you could understand what it feels like.

Now lets all move on to happier thoughts!

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