Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept 10, 2012

I was late to work today.  That's how my day started.  Ever since I had the surgery done my legs have been driving me crazy!  I have spasaticity (sp?) and it mainly hits me in my legs.  It drives me nuts!!!  I can't sit still, I can't get comfortable, I have to flex my toes, ankles and legs all the time!  It's like they are trying to jump out of my skin!  So now they are bothering me every night.  Which means I don't sleep.

I need to learn to be more productive.  If I am going to be awake anuways, I should clean my kitchen,  do some laundry, or whatever else needs to be done.  I am sitting here bouncing my legs up and down.  Otherwise I will go crazy!!

Tomorrow nite I am starting a walking regimen.  I am not losing weight fast enough!  Wednesday it will be 6 weeks since my surgery so now I can do more.  My doc wanted me to wait 6 weeks because of my MS.  So now I can workout and not worry.

My goal is to start running eventually.  I need to find a cheap treadmill so I can walk/run in the house in the winter.  If anybody knows someone that has one for sale, please let m know.  I really need it.  Then after football is over, T and I are going to start working out.  I am hoping to get Tay involved too.

Tomorrow night my new favorite show is on Chicago Trauma (10 pm Tues @natgeo).  I watched the first nite of the show and it's great!  The first show had a guy that was just left on a gurney.  When the nurse got him to the trauma ER room they started doing CPR.  The trauma doc had them crack open his chest and try massaging his heart.  That is when they found out that he had been stabbed in the upper thigh and had bled out.  They brought him back to life!  He had almost NO blood in his heart and they brought him back!  It's a great show.

I still need to find a home for Bailey the dog, George the Cat, Bella the cat nd Georgia the cat.  I still have to many animals!  I love them all but they have to go! If anyone  knows someone who would like any of them, please give them my number, 635.8140

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