Friday, October 26, 2012

Miss me?

Sorry I have'nt been around.  I have not been feeling very well the past couple of weeks. I haven't been losing weight.  I have had some killer acid reflex that wakes me up in the middle of the night.  I have been going crazy with this dog and the cats.  I just feel like i'm at the end of my rope right now.  I need to be working out and I haven't felt good enough to do it.  Terrance and I did rearrange the furniture in the livingroom.  I stayed awake all weekend.  Which is a big accomplishment for me.  Hopefully this weekend I will get more done.  I will post again this weekend. I promise!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Well it's been almost a week since i've posted on here. Sorry about that.  I haven't been feeling too hot lately.  I get up and go to work but that is all I seem to want to do.  I have to get out of this funk!  I'm not sure why I am in it.  Nothing has changed lately in my life.  Same shit different day, as usual.

Anyways, my Dad graduates from radiation on Thursday this week!!  I am so proud of him!  He has been losing his hair and throwing up but he is pressing on! He is a strong person.  My mom is damn strong too! She is pulling him through this, even when he gets upset and crabby.  They are two of the strongest people I

It's a short post I know, but That's all I have for now.  Take care all and hug your loved ones.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How exciting!!

I am very excited!!  I just stood on the scale and 259!!!  I'm under 260!  Woot woot!  It,s been 9 weeks since surgery and down 40 pounds!! That's 59 since I started the process!  It is so exciting to see the changes that I am going thru week after week.  I didn't think about taking my measurements until the end of Sept, but i will post the inches lost since then next week.  i only want to measure every two weeks.  If I do it too soon and don't lose much, I might get disappointed.  I don't want to do anything that might slow down my process.

If you are looking for something to do tomorrow night stop by the athletic field and watch the Blue Devils JV team.  We start !  Help me cheer on #82 and the rest of the Blue Devils.  You know I will be there screaming! I mean cheering!

Have a good night and a great tomorrow!